A. Central nervous system
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which plays the role of sending signals to the part of the brain that is responsible for movement and coordination.
When the dopamine levels are low , the individual isn’t able to move well and loses coordination because of the little or absence of signals to the part of the brain that controls these aspects.
A 60-year-old cyanotic patient with snoring and a slow heart rate should initially ask her, if it is feasible, what happens to her, and see how his breathing is. Once this is done, the emergency system is activated, an ambulance is requested and according to the possible pathology, the patient is resuscitated, possibly going to need mouth-mouth breathing.
The influence of culture on health is vast. It affects perceptions of health, illness, and death, beliefs about causes of disease, approaches to health promotion, how illness and pain are experienced and expressed, where patients seek help, and the types of treatment patients prefer.