Lahdekorpi OY, a Finnish corporation and Three-O Company, a subsidiary incorporated in the United States
Transfer Pricing:
a) The best transfer pricing method in this case is the cost plus method. This gives the transfer price as Cost + 50%.
b) The appropriate transfer price should be $3 ($2 x 1.5).
Transfer pricing arises when controlled entities set prices for exchange of goods and services. When Lahdekorpi OY, a Finnish corporation, sells wooden puzzles to Three-O Company, given their relationship, transfer pricing has arisen. It is the assignment of cost for goods and services exchanged between related parties, like a parent and a subsidiary.
There are many Transfer Pricing methods which entities and the taxing authorities can use to determine the best transfer price. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Multinational Entities and tax authorities can use any of these five main transfer pricing methods:
a) Comparable uncontrolled price (CUP) method. The CUP method is grouped by the OECD as a traditional transaction method (as opposed to a transactional profit method)
b) Resale price method
c) Cost plus method
d) Transactional net margin method (TNMM)
e) Transactional profit split method.