Large, no polar organic molecules that don’t dissolve in water

During telophase, membrane-enclosed vesicles derived from the Golgi apparatus migrate to the center of the cell where the metaphase plate used to be and fuse to form a cell plate. Eventually, the growing cell plate fuses with the existing plasma membrane, producing two daughter cells, each with its own plasma membrane.
In the above food web green algae is the producer, periwinkle and microscopic animals are primary consumers; mussel, barnacle, dogwhelk and crab are secondary consumers; dogwhelk and crab comes under tertiary consumer; dogfish is a quaternary consumer.
What is a food web?
It is a natural interconnection of several food chains in a single ecosystem. Each food chain supplies energy and nutrients through the ecosystem. There are four food webs producer, herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and decomposers.
Here green algae comes under autotrophs(prepares their own food), periwinkle and microscopic animals are herbivores(depend on producer); mussel, barnacle, dogwhelk and crab are carnivores(depend on herbivore); dogfish is an omnivore(depends on both producer and carnivore).
Learn more about food web from the link given below:
A hypersensitive reaction to a specific antigen in the environment is a(n) _ALLERGY_.