It’s A because when changing it to scientific notation it goes to 2.75 and when going to the left from the decimal point it is negative
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I believe the correct answer is that <span>The genetic variation between humans and orangutans is the greatest.
We cannot say that there is no genetic variation at all, because there obviously is - we are not the same as the other three apes, even though we have a common ancestor. Also, we cannot say that we are completely the same, because there are obvious differences. And finally, we didn't originate from those three animals, but rather all of us come from the same organism.
The Eocene Epoche coincides with the form of primates which are placental mammals.
The main characters of placental mammals contain large body,bigger brain that appear at that time from the fossil record.
True primates were evolve in 55 million years ago,at the beginning of eocene epoch.
These fossil records were found in North America, Europe, Asia.
The fossil were squirrel like size with grasping hand,feet, that helps them for climbling the tree.
The fossil record of primate that were found contain stereoscopic vision.