Nat's salary after 3 years = 976562.5 $
Salary of Nat = $500,000
Raise in salary for next three years = 25 % = 0.25
Salary of Nat after 1 year = 500,000 + 0.25 * 500,000 = 625000 $
Salary of Nat after 2 years = 625000 + 0.25 * 625000 = 781250 $
Salary of Nat after 3 years = 781250 + 0.25 * 781250 = 976562.5 $
So, Nat's salary after 3 years = 976562.5 $
Easy Method;
No of years considering = 3
Initial salary = $500,000
Rate of increase = 0.25
Final salary
Nat's salary after 3 years = 976562.5 $
What is the mean, median, mode, and range of this data set, 2,3,2,4,3,3,3,4,2,3,4,2,4,4,9,3,4,4
slava [35]
Mean: 3.5
Median: 3
Mode: 4
Range: 7
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
First Question: Equilateral triangles all have the same interior angles. 60 degrees. Size does not make the angles bigger. It makes the sides bigger.
Second Question: No the size does not influence the size of the interior angle.
Third Question: That's true for all polygons. Size is not affect the interior angle size.

1.01 × 10⁴ - scientific notation
10,100 - decimal notation