Advantage, vertical integration is like controlling all your distributors for your business and all your company’s who make your product.
The solution to the above problem is shown in the attached picture below. It is because of the arrangement i had ti use pen and book. Thank you
adding up consumption, investment, government expenses, and net exports
adding up the market prices of final goods and services produced in the U.S
adding up the incomes of producers and taxes paid to the government
GDP is a measure of the sum value of a country's output in a given period. The GDP value reflects economic growth or decline in a country for the period under review.
GDP is calculated using three methods. They include the income, production, and expenditure approach.
In the Income approach, economists add up all the earnings from the factors of production. Wages and salaries of all employees; the profits from businesses and corporates' ; rents, and interests form landlords are summed up to get GDP. Adjustments are made to cater for the taxes paid to the relevant government agencies. ( 4th option)
The production approach involves getting the value of all the finished consumer goods and services in the economy. The approach excludes intermediary goods and work-n progress. GDP is obtained by adding the total of the finished products and services and multiplying them by their prices. (3rd option)
The consumption option applies a formula that GDP = C+G+I+ NX, where C is private consumption expenditure, G is government consumption and investment expenditure, and I in private investment expenditure. NX is the net imports. ( 1 st option )
this is due to the initial uptake for the product . it levels to repeat customers but others drop off the sales due to other reasons