Some enzymes require the addition of another non-protein molecule to function as an enzyme. These are known as cofactors, and without these enzymes remain within the inactive.
Mass culture is a set of cultural objects, goods or services, produced by cultural industries, which are aimed at a diverse audience.
According to critics, such as Adorno, the mass follows the same thing. According to the Frankfurt School, mass culture is the main means through which capital would have achieved its greatest success. Then, the whole system of mass production of goods, services and ideas would have accepted, in general terms, the model imposed by the capitalist system by the hand of consumerism, technology and rapid satisfaction. This culture is defined through the mass media from the nineteenth century (printing, radio, cinema, television, and even today with the Internet). From this appear the mass societies that are shaped by a society of individuals aligned to capitalism, where the bourgeoisie has the power to introduce products, ideologies, etc. into society. and thus curtail the freedom of expression of a fully capitalized society.
It is considered as the development of a new model in which differences and inequalities are reinforced with increasingly developed marketing strategies and instruments. Science and knowledge are put at the service of the production of stereotyped values and symbols.
The three fundamental pillars of this culture are: a commercial culture, a consumer society and an advertising institution
the highest level which is the 'apex preditor' or in other cases its called a 'tertiary consumer'
Animals store most of their excess energy reserves as fat within the body. Whenever carbohydrates are not available, this stored fat provides the required energy. Fat is a very important part of the diet as it helps to maintain the body temperature. Fats also help to absorb certain vitamins like A, D, E and K.These vitamins are highly essential for our body and is present in our daily diet that we eat. These vitamins are also called fat soluble vitamins. It should also be kept in mind that there are good fats as well as bad fats. The increase in the amount of bad fats can be fatal and can be a reason for heart attack.
A plant cell has a cell wall and an animal cell doesn’t. The cell wall keeps it from moving and protects the plant.