Dead plant matter
Saprotrophs feed by a process known as absorptive nutrition, in which the nutritional substrate (e.g., dead organism or other nonliving organic matter) is directly digested by a variety of enzymes that are excreted by the saprotroph.
<h3>The Difference between Afferent and Efferent Neurons :- </h3>
- Neurons that receive information from our sensory organs (e.g. eye, skin) and transmit this input to the central nervous system are called afferent neurons.
- Neurons that send impulses from the central nervous system to your limbs and organs are called efferent neurons.
<h2>Hope this helps you XD !!!</h2>
I am thinking it is by heating themselves in sunlight. I think this because when I bring lizards to mind, they are cold blooded, and they need sunlight to bath in so they do not start to lack warmth to live.
I hope this helps.