A Grading Schema is a mapping of percentage ranges to a specific grade display. When a Grading Schema is employed (depending on the grade), the Grade Center will translate the percentage score and display the corresponding value based on the schema.
3,000 kcal of energy
This is because when energy is transferred from one level to another, only 10% of the energy gets transferred.
According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded by the two brothers, and demigods, Romulus and Remus, on 21 April 753 BCE. The legend claims that in an argument over who would rule the city (or, in another version, where the city would be located) Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself.
Shawn Michaels is a famous retired WWE wrestler.
He did it so he could have his freedom. He had many debts and this was one of the ways he paid his debts off.