Memorising can be done with repetition. So, "False"
According to psychologist Shelley Taylor, women respond to
stress with a behavioral pattern she calls: Tend-and-Befriend, Shelley Taylor argues that men and women respond to stress with
a fundamentally different behavioral pattern. Women are mostly to
use emotion-focused coping strategies than men.
Answer: Panic disorder along with Agoraphobia
Panic disorder doesn't refer to a single panic attack for someone to have panic disorder they must experience frequent panic attacks.
Agoraphobia occurs when someone is anxious of being around places where they feel trapped. Having a once off panic attack can not be classified as panic disorder , however when a person have repeating episodes of panic attacks that is a sign of having panic disorder.Panic attack and agoraphobia doesn't always go together, Some people may have one without the other.
Symptoms of panic disorder include:
- Reccuring and unexpected panic attacks
- constant anxiety about having a panic attack for a month after having had one.
- losing control
Symptoms of agoraphobia
- This is a fear associate with feeling trapped in an open space but still feel like you can't escape it.
- This involves things like being in in an enclosed space like a small shop or theatre
- One space like a shopping mall or car park
- Public transport such a a bus or plane or train
Or anywhere other than your own home.