Whole-grain flour contains all parts of the grain with the exception of the husk.
Whole grain foods contains the following parts; Bran, Endosperm and Germ, originally present before processing.
Refined grains on the other hand are mainly composed of only endosperm portion of the grain. Milling process removes bran and some also removes germ, along with the majority of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.
The combination of citrus food in the diet may help Jared in creasing the absorption of iron by his intestine. The fruits and vegetables rich in Vitamin C and the Ascorbic acid such as lemon, oranges etc., may be used. Further, beta-carotene rich sources like carrots, apricots, beans, spinach also will also help him.
Mycobacterium bacteria is rod shaped. The specific species that caused TB is mycobacterium tuberculosis.