Bears eat plants such as berries, and plants get their energy from the sun. So his energy source's energy source is sunlight, which also makes it his energy source
Hope it helps DEAR
Each box in the Punnet square should have BbEe in them. Yes, all of them contain this possible offspring genotype.
A mouse with black fur and one with white fur are being bred. Black fur is BBEE and white fur is bbee. Hence, when listing them on the Punnet square, the genotypes will be heterozygous, since there are possible traits of each fur color
It's the nucleus as it contain the DNA
Because it carries a lot of blood to the arteries
4, based on the assumption that the R allele is dominant over the r allele, and that the T allele is dominant over the t allele.
Any bush with a dominant petal color allele (R) will have red petals. This includes Rr and RR.
Any bush with a dominant bush size allele (T) will have a tall bush. This includes Tt and TT.
The only way to acquire a short bush or pink petals is to have two recessive alleles together (tt, rr).
RRTT, RrTT, RRTt, and RrTt -> red petals with tall bushes
RRtt, Rrtt -> Red petals with short bushes
rrTt, rrTT -> pink petals and tall bushes
rrtt-> pink petals with short bushes.
These are the four phenotype variations possible in this dihybrid cross.