the answer would be Dhehhebdhdudhebebehejehebebe
because it is the answer
Answer: Possibly increase the production of socks
Explanation: As it implies, the mosquitoes that have sickness land on socks more often. Based on this information, since we know that malaria comes from mosquitoes, we can increase the production of socks, as that will separate most of the infected mosquitoes with the other mosquitoes, as most of the infected ones will fly over to the sock. With this scenario, we can bait the mosquitoes and know which ones are infected
Answer: Rh boold factor is determined by the presnce or absence of a particular erythrocyte protein
The Rh factor is an integral protein of the membrane of red blood cells (erythrocytes) and, by its determination, the blood type RH + or RH- is detected, -regardless of the types of groups known as 0, A, B and AB- .
People who are RH + are those who have this protein in their red blood cells, and people with RH - refer to those who do not have the protein.
The Rh factor (Rhesus) was discovered by Karl Landsteiner and Wiener in 1940.
I hope it is useful for you!. Regards. María