Find the duration
Time : 9:00am to 10:15am
Duration: 1hour 15 mins or 1.25hours
Find difference in distance travelled between the two cyclists.
Difference in speed = 6km/h
1 hour = 6 km
1.25 hours = 7.5km
Find the distance the cyclist traveled
42.5 - 7.5 = 35km
35km ÷ 2 = 17.5km
The slower cyclist traveled 17.5 km in the 1.25 hours
17.5 + 7.5 = 25 km
The faster cyclist traveled 25km in the 1.25 hours
Find the speed of the slower cyclist
1.25 hour = 17.5 km
1 hour = 17.25 ÷ 1.25
1 hour = 14km
The cyclist was traveling at 14km/h
Find the speed of the faster cyclist
1.25 hour = 25km
1 hour = 25 ÷ 1.25
1hour = 20 km
The cyclist was traveling at 20km/hour
Answer: The speed were 14km/h and 20 km/h
This means 100000 possible zip codes if repeatable
Step-by-step explanation:
108, 108, 72
Step-by-step explanation:
Vertical angles are congruent and if the measure of 1 of the angles is 72 degrees and straight lines equal 180 degrees you have to subtract 72 from 180 which equals 108.
The second one.
Step-by-step explanation:
Slope intercept is rise/run. The y-axis goes up by 4 (rises by 4), and the x-axis goes to the right by 5 (runs by 5).