These stores sell inferior goods and services.
An inferior good or service is a good or service whose demand decreases as the income of their consumers increases, i.e. if the consumers are earning more money, they will consume less of them.
On the other hand, when their consumers' income decreases, their demand increases.
Both McDonald's and Dollar General are business that sell cheap goods and services, so when the financial crisis decrease American households' incomes, they more people purchased their goods and services.
Generally speaking, the taxpayer can deduct his alimony payment but not his child support payment. He may, however, be entitled to claim the child as a dependent, although this is beyond the scope of the question.
We can deduct the alimony payment but not the child support payment. Smith paid Goode $20,000 in 2017, although he owes 24,000. The adjusted gross income depends only on how much Alimony he paid.
If he paid the full $6,000 alimony and only 14,000 of child support, he can deduct the $6,000 for an adjusted gross income of 50,000- 6,000= $46,000.
If, for example, he paid the full $18,000 in child support and only 2,000 in alimony, he can only deduct the $2,000 for an adjusted gross income of 50,000 - 2,000 =48,000.
Proponents of zero inflation say that a successful program to lower inflation gradually reduces inflation expectations.
A program is a set of instructions that a computer employs to perform a certain purpose. A program is analogous to a computer recipe. It includes a list of materials as well as instructions that inform the computer how to complete a certain task. Specific programming languages, such as C++, Python, and Ruby, are used to construct programs. These are high-level programming languages that are both human-readable and writable. Compilers, interpreters, and assemblers within the computer system transform these languages into low level machine languages. Assembly language is a low-level language that is one step beyond machine language and may technically be written by a person, however it is usually much more cryptic and complex.
Learn more about Proponents here
One of my most passionate belief is "Fail Better". This is the belief which I developed since childhood, my family kept on saying this me when I was just 10 years old. Since then, It has been deeply rooted and firmly suited in my mind. It has influenced me from my childhood, I never felt hesitated in taking risks, trying new ideas, things and adventures in my whole life. This has definitely impacted the way I think, behave and communicate with others. This belief was then further been transformed and translated into "Fall seven times, Get up eight". I have followed these rules very strongly in my whole life. I have started many small businesses when I was in college, almost I failed in them but I learnt so many things which none could have taught me.
Expectancy theory
Expectancy theory - is referred to as the approach in which individual work according to the defined goal. People are motivated to act in a certain way because they believe to have expected results from the way they have selected.
It also states that desirable outcomes of any behavior hold the motivation by other people
The three main components on which Expectancy theory work are:
- Expectancy
- Instrumentality
- valence