The answer is an impervious response. An impervious response is one of the seven types of disconfirming messages. We can simply put this as "No response at all" because an impervious message fails to recognize the other person's communication attempt either via verbal or nonverbal way; failure to respond in all forms and channel.
If a human brain is not flexible, it will be a lot more limited than it already is. In another way of looking at it, you can even say that if it does not expand, it is only a box or a storage. Our brains do not only work as storage of information! We also use our brains for thinking etc. If it is rigid, when a lad hit you accidentally on the face with a paper, you may resort to violent retaliation.
Brains should be adaptable on the grounds that on the off chance that they weren't we could never have the capacity to expand our astuteness. Individuals are more adaptable mentally on the grounds that we can turn our hands to more mind boggling things and can learn better.
Non-random alignment of chromosome pairs.
Meiosis is when the mother cell or the diploid cell replicates into four haploid cells and divides twice; leaving just two haploid cells that contains only half the number of chromosomes.
Through meiosis, we get the gametes which are the cells that we use to fecund and reproduce ourselves (ovules and sperm); each cell contains half the chromosome content. To allow the combination of genetic information by cross-linking the chromosomes there need to be 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother to form one individual with 46 chromosomes.
Leaving us with non-random alignment of chromosome pairs as if it was random that would mean that it wouldn’t matter how many chromosomes each parent provides, also, the cells have to be haploid in order to continue the process.
Social influence can be define as a way an individual changes his/her behavior to meet the set rules or standards of a group.
Information social influence occurs when people conform to peer views in an attempt to reach the correct answer for themselves; information social influence is moderated by self-confidence and task difficultly.
I think those are terms related to the sell of drugs and I don't think this is a good forum to discuss that.