The ancient city of Harappa was considered to be advanced during its time due to multiple characteristics such as: the sheer size of the city (known today as urban); a large network of trade/commerce/transport technology and economy; accuracy of their measurement systems for length and mass; their use of measurements in architectural design, sewerage and drainage systems; innovative metallurgy techniques and manipulation of precious metals (lead, tin, bronze, copper).
Diencephalon is referred to as the between brain.
Option A
It is a direct approach to conflict.
Martha thinks it is better to get angry rather than hide or suppress her feelings, so that her husband knows she really cares about the issue.
What makes option A the best answer, is because she does not want to hide the details from the issue, she prefers to let it out of the bag than keeping it in and it keeps burning until the un-usual happens which is not always the best method to resolve conflicts.
It is direct because she believes its better her husband knows she is angry and then settle the matter than allowing the issue to keep burning inside of her. it is direct because the matter made her angry and she is expressing it other than neglecting it.