The most likely answer here is 1 and 4.
whenever humans exhale carbon dioxide, plants take it in and use it to make a mixture of sunlight and water to create nutrients for itself. Once it creates the nutrients it releases oxygen which us humans use to breathe. This operation is called photosynthesis.
Approximately 200 out of 200 million sperms ejaculated during intercourse reach the general vicinity of the egg. They sperms must undergo capacitation during which dilute inhibitory factors fluids of the female reproductive tract weaken the membrane of the sperm head so that head of the sperm can be broken easily when it came in contact with the egg.
The first sperm to reach an egg isn’t the one to fertilize it because the egg is surrounded by a gelatinous membrane called the zona pellucida. Outside this layer, a layer of small granulosa cells also present.
Therefore, it requires numerous sperm to clear a path through these barriers before one of them can penetrate the egg and fertilize it.
In the early days of development, in an embryo, the cells are pluripotent and can differentiate into any kind of cell of the organism. As the embryo develops, autocrine and paracrine signaling between the cells of the embryo causes the cells to migrate to particular regions of the embryo and begin differentiating into respective parts of the organism. This signaling causes differential silencing of particular genes of the cells depending on the type of cells they will differentiate into. As the embryo develops into a fully grown organism, these cells lose potency (except for stem cells) and become fully differentiated into respective limbs or organs of the organism.
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Answer: Colonial organisms are the result of many identical individuals joining together to form a colony. These cells are partly dependent on each other to start with. But, later evolutionary events resulted in the obligatory relationships among them resulted in multicellularity.