Mrs. Smith is saying that the number of termites will double each week, and Mr. Smith is saying that the number of termites will increase by 100% each week.
Let's just look at (2)^x. If we substitute numbers for x, we get:
x = 1 ⇒ 2
x = 2 ⇒ 4
x = 3 ⇒ 8
x = 4 ⇒ 16
x = 5 ⇒ 32
x = 6 ⇒ 64
x = 7 ⇒ 128
We can see that the output number doubles by 2, or in other words, increases by 100% of its value.
Therefore, Frida is correct in thinking that both Mr. and Mrs. Smith's interpretations are correct.