This is not middle school work
Since we know that LCM of both 625&575 is 14375, we must find the hours it took for both planes to arrive at this same destination.
Plane 1(625): Took 23 hours to arrive.
Plane 2(575): Took 25 hours to arrive.
Therefore, the answer should be from 23-25 hours to arrive or if looking for middle number, 24 hours exactly.
Hope this helps.
There are 462.25 parts being made per hour
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>Step 1: Make an equation</u>
An automobile factory, 1849 parts are made in 4 hours.
<em>1849 / 4 = x</em>
<em />
<u>Step 2: Solve</u>
1849 / 4 = x
<em>462.25 = x</em>
<em />
Answer: There are 462.25 parts being made per hour
I think by anita you mean devins bc other wise it makes no sence
so devin has 50 dolls
Hope This Helps!!!
2/9 then 1/4 and then 4/12