They are the smallest structures in our lungs where capillaries exchange O2 and CO2 in blood.
The hemoglobin holoenzyme (active enzyme) is a complex of an iron ion and 4 subunits- 2 hemoglobin alpha and two hemoglobin beta. People with sickle cell disease have mutated beta hemoglobins. The mutation is a single nucleotide exchange, that changes the 6th amino acid of protein primary struture - a Glutamic acid into Valine. This one alteration changes the tree dimentional structure of hemoglobin beta so, that it forms lond fibres that disrupt the normal circular form of the red blood cells.
Option B You are on part of Earth that is in the umbra of the moon’s shadow
Solar eclipses are observable in the shadow zone created by the Moon's occultation of the Sun. In the case of a total eclipse and only in this one, the shadow zone where it is possible to observe this phenomenon of total eclipse is called “path of totality“.