1: Brokerage firms: a type of non-depository financial institution
that manages and facilitates the purchase of bonds, stocks, and other
types of investments.
2. Depository and non-depository financial
institutions: Depository tends to be things such as banks and
non-depository are life insurance companies; differences between both is
that non-depository are not insured by FDIC.
3. Credit Unions: non-profit, member owned institutions and another type of depository institution.
4. Demand deposit accounts: accounts that individuals and business can use to pay their bills.
5. Bonds: investments that promise to pay a certain amount of interest on the principle amount after a given time.
Critical Thinking. 1. What are some considerations in choosing a financial institution? Which one do you think would be
the most important consideration for you in choosing a financial institution? --When a choosing financial institutions, you want to consider location of the institution and the availability of services in your area. Important factors in choosing for the location and services provided; convenience and how often you go.
2. What are the pros and cons of U.S. savings bonds? --Saving Bonds offer a secure investment; does not cost you state or local tax. The con would be figuring when to cash them in or the maturity of the bond can be confusing.
3. What are some of the problems that individuals might face if they use one of the "problematic"
financial institutions?-- If something happens that results in the person going to the institution for help; institution can charge a high interest or the loan could be short. This can result to the person being in debt or have a mark on their financial record for late payments.
4. What are some of the consumer protections available? What can individuals do to protect
themselves? --Many accounts in the United States have FDIC insurance that covers $100,000 of the money in the indiviudal's account. The government has set regulations that can and can't be practiced with consumers; such as regulations required for banks to disclose all aspects of the agreements with their clients.
5. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a federally-insured account?--Advantage: federally insured for up to $100,000.--Disadvantage: interest at which account pays is well below the inflation rate
Letter d is correct. A waiver of breach
In this situation Sadie filed a waiver of the violation. This occurs when the contractor waives his legal rights in respect of any breach of contract. As was the case with Sean, a contract to replace Sadie's carpeting, which consequently damaged some of its walls, resulting in poor contract performance.
Answer: possible options:
A.growth market is to a differentiation-based strategy
B. broadly-defined target market is to a cost leadership strategy
C. growth market is to a cost-based strategy
D. technological innovation is to cost-based strategy
Answer is B
Companies that use a cost leadership strategy and those that use a differentiation strategy share one important characteristic: both groups try to be attractive to customers in general. These efforts to appeal to a broad range of consumers can be contrasted with strategies that involve targeting a relatively narrow niche of potential customers. These latter strategies are known as focus strategies (Porter, 1980).
Focused cost leadership is the first of two focus strategies. A focused cost leadership strategy requires competing based on price to target a NARROW MARKET. A firm that follows this strategy does not necessarily charge the lowest prices in the industry. Instead, it charges low prices relative to other firms that compete within the target market. For example, you might be able to buy milk cheaper by driving to a big-box grocery store in your local community or town, but the local corner store is the cheapest within walking distance. Redbox, a major DVD rental company, uses vending machines placed outside grocery stores and other retail outlets to rent DVDs of movies for $1. There are ways to view movies even cheaper, such as through the flat-fee streaming video subscriptions offered by Netflix. But among firms that rent actual DVDs, Redbox offers unparalleled levels of low price and high convenience.
A. true
the gross domestic product acts as a quantitative measure of an economy's economic activity on an annual basis
A. $57,000
B. Depreciation rate per mile is $0.19
C. Depreciation is $14,630
a. cost of the truck less the residual value.
Cost of the truck $69,000
Less: Residual value <u>$12,000</u>
b. Depreciation rate per mile is computed by dividing cost of the truck less the residual value over the estimated useful life.
$57,000 / 300,000 miles = $0.19
c. Units-of-activity depreciation for the year is computed by multiplying miles driven for the year by depreciation rate per mile.
77,000 miles x $0.19 = $14,630