Mountains are prominent landforms that have significant heights above sea level and/or the surrounding land. They are steeper than hills. A mountain or mountain range usually has a peak, which is a pointed top. Mountains have different climates than land at sea level and nearby flat land. Climate is the weather over an extended time period for a specific area. The climate of mountains tends to include colder weather, wetter weather, and thinner air. Thin air refers to the fact that at the higher altitudes of a mountain there is less oxygen to breathe. Also, mountains generally have less hospitable conditions for plants and animals. This leads to quite different evolutionary adaptations for those plants and animals that make higher elevations their home.
Telomeres cap and protect the ends of chromosomes from degradation and illegitimate recombination. ... Abolition of telomerase activity in such cells nevertheless results in telomere shortening, a process that eventually destabilizes the ends of chromosomes, leading to genomic instability and cell growth arrest or death.
Most organisms can tolerate a very narrow pH range close to neutral, i.e., around pH 7. It is likely that there would not be much life in the lake at pH 3. Once the pH increases to above 5.5 to 6, it is more likely that life would begin to survive. Once the pH rises to above around 9, the solution is starting to become basic, and once again, few organisms will survive.
Rickets is most common in children who are between 6 and 36 months old. Children are at the highest risk of rickets because they're still growing. Children might not get enough vitamin D if they live in a region with little sunlight, follow a vegetarian diet, or don't drink milk products.