This is normally due to the differences in brain chemistry and hormonal flutucations.
Okay if this is a test or a worksheet this might have all your answers on it.
Foodborne intoxication results from chemicals produced by microbes.
Foodborne infections arise when we ingest food infested with like live microbes bacteria, which then enters our body, and grows mostly in the intestinal tract.
Foodborne intoxication occur when we ingest a food which has a chemical or a toxin released by the microbes like Clostridium botulinum, Bacillus ceres etc present in the food.
A foodborne intoxication occurs even in the absence of a live microbe in the food, only the toxin is enough to intoxicate. A foodborne illness requires a live microbe to grow, reproduce and cause an infection in the host’s body.
The onset of symptoms is very rapid in case of intoxication than an infection.