16 lakhs per family
Per capita income is the mean income of the people in an economic unit. An economic unit may be a city or country. It is calculated by taking the sum of all sources of income and dividing it by the total population.
There are five families in a country and their income is 15 lakhs, 20 lakhs , 12 lakhs, 8 lakhs and 25 lakhs.
First, let's take the sum of the income.
The per capita income of the country is 16 lakhs per family.
Note that:
1 lakh=100,000
The correct answer is letter C.
Explanation: Photosynthesis is performed by activated cells that use chlorophyll, a pigment capable of transforming light energy into chemical energy that can be harnessed directly by living beings, as opposed to light. In this reaction, the atomic groups of carbon dioxide, water and mineral salts, in the presence of light, are transformed into gas and sugar.
The producer within each of his cells (specifically the mitochondria of all cells) uses and transforms glucose (a type of sugar), releasing energy that the cell can use in its activities. This process is known as cellular respiration.
If emotional issues begin, this often interfere with an
adolescent's ability to think in more complex ways. The ability to consider
possibilities, as well as facts, may influence decision-making, in either
positive or negative ways. Adolescent process
at varying percentage in developing his or her ability to think in more complex
However, both ideas should be "tested" using "an empirical approach" to see if they hold up under scrutiny.
Empirical approach alludes to the logical strategy for inquiry and perception through experiments.
Psychology is additionally a science which is related to the thought behind empirical approach is to take your own convictions and inclinations out of the condition from real examinations. You should make determinations in view of empirical information and not what your feeling says.
Since, psychology manages sentiments and feelings, it is difficult to precisely quantify information. So it is more vital for clinicians to take after empirical approach before distributing any hypothesis or speculation.