Well it’s taken religion as an example, in The Christian religion it is well known that we must not judge and not disrespect our parents in anyway, This may influence our daily Decisions and important life choices such as not disrespecting someone’s out and so on and so forth. Another example I can give you is The way your parents raised you, I believe there’s a study that states that you were most likely to raise your own child as your parents raised you Which is a great example of how values influence the decisions you make. Have a great day <3
Short-term effects of smoking may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"</span><span>More breathing problems"
"</span><span>Shortness of breath, phlegm, and a coarse cough"
"</span><span>Impaired lung growth and function"
"</span><span>Bad breath, yellow teeth, and stained fingers"
"</span><span>Foul-smelling clothes and hair<span>2"
Long-term effects may include the following:
"<span>Addiction to nicotine and exposure to dangerous chemicals"
"<span>Lung, mouth, throat, kidney, and stomach cancers"
"<span>Heart disease"
"<span>Impaired immune systems"
"</span><span>Emphysema and other chronic diseases"
"</span><span>Shorter lifespan (up to 20 years shorter)<span>3"
Quoted answers are NOT mine! There's a reason why they're quoted.
All credits reserved to their owners.
Further information / my sources may be provided at:
Please, if you or someone you know is smoking/just got into smoking. Please stop yourself/them. The effects can be catastrophic if not handled/stopped soon. </span></span>
The answer should be B because people with problems that have to do with drugs and alcohol don’t usually like to get help but their family cares about them and wants them to get help for their own well being.