If the patients cannot or will not follow through on treatment recommendations, it does little good to diagnose a disorder correctly and prescribe appropriate treatment.
For the proper diagnosis and treatment of a disease, it is important that a patient cooperates with the doctors and nurses. If a person does not cooperate, then the diagnosis of the treatment and its management cannot be planned correctly. A patient needs to understand that the healthcare workers advise everything for the betterment of the patient.
It is the responsibility of a patient to follow the instructions and recommendations at the time of diagnosis, he should also follow the treatment plan accordingly. Otherwise, there will be no improvement in his condition.
If a person makes a mistake in following up on a plan, he should also inform the doctor or nurse so that they can suggest an alternative.
To learn more about treatment, click here:
# SPJ4
An unconscious adult victim is gasping for breath and having difficulty breathing. The scene is safe and help has been called. Next you should use the head tilt chin lift procedure.
An unconscious patient is at risk of blocking their airway and suffocating. The main reason for this occurring is due to the tongue. An unconscious patient loses all their muscular tone, and this includes the tongue! The tongue can fall back and block the airway.
This situation is an emergency – without a supply of oxygen reaching the lungs, the patient will suffocate in a matter of minutes.
In CPR, we use the head-tilt, chin-lift method to open the airway.
How to Perform a Head-tilt Chin-lift :
- Kneel next to the patient’s head
- Place one hand on the patient’s forehead and tilt the head gently backward
- Place two fingers under the bony part of their chin and lift the chin vertically upwards
- Take care not to place any pressure on the soft part of the neck as this could obstruct the airway
If a cervical spine injury is suspected, then the modified jaw thrust would be used in place of "head-tilt, chin-lift". The jaw thrust is a technique used on patients with a suspected spinal injury and is used on a supine patient.
Learn more about head tilt chin lift procedure here : brainly.com/question/14823768
Common causes of blindness are diabetic neuropathy, glaucoma and cataracts.
Blindness refers to the complete lack of functional vision.It occurs when an inadequate amount of light hits the retina, or the information has not been delivered to the brain correctly.
Complete blindness : characterized by a complete and total loss of vision. Merck Manuals reports that legal blindness is defined as having equal to or worse than a 20/200 visual acuity in the better eye. Having a visual acuity of 20/200 means that someone with normal vision can see an object at 200 feet, and a person with impaired vision can see at a distance no further than 20 feet. Several different diseases can cause complete blindness; some develop later in life and some are present at birth. The leading cause of blindness in the United States is diabetes, according to the National Eye Institute. Diabetes causes diabetic retinopathy, which results in destruction of the retina. Other causes of complete blindness include age-related macular degeneration, which the National Eye Institute calls the most common cause of blindness in adults who are 60 or older; cataracts, which obstructs light from hitting the retina because of opaque patches on a lens; and glaucoma, which causes blindness due to damage to the optic nerve.
Color Blindness
People who have color blindness, also called dyschromatopsia, are unable to distinguish certain colors. This type of blindness more commonly affects men than women. Merck Manuals reports that the most common form of color blindness is red-green color blindness, which makes it difficult to distinguish certain shades of red and green. Color blindness is almost always present at birth, and is usually caused by the presence of a defective gene on the X chromosome. The reason that more men are affected by color blindness than women is that women have two X chromosomes; thus, even if they are "carriers" of a bad gene, their other X chromosome usually has a functional gene. Because men have only one X chromosome, the presence of one bad gene is sufficient to cause color blindness. Defective retinal cells result in some forms of color blindness; other forms are caused by defects in the optic nerve.
Night Blindness
Night blindness is vision impairment that occurs at night or when light is dim. It does not generally result in a complete lack of vision but significantly impaired vision. People with night blindness often have difficulty driving at night or seeing stars. Several different factors cause night blindness, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. These factors include cataracts, birth defects, a vitamin A deficiency, or a retinal disease called retinitis pigmentosa
because it sounds like the best choice.