Binary fission occurs primarily in prokaryotes, while mitosis only occurs in eukaryotes Binary fission is a simpler and faster process than mitosis. The third main form of cell division is meiosis.
What is the rate of motion of the Amur plate? Express your answer in .
✔ 5 mm/year
Where would the plate be after 1 million years? Express your answer in m.
✔ 5,000 meters east
What geologic feature will form between the Amur and Eurasian plates?
✔ new ocean floor
Modern stromatolites – living fossils. Originating over 3 billion years ago, stromatolites are the oldest known fossils (timeline). Fossilized stromatolites were laid down as colonial structures built by photosynthesizing Cyanobacteria and other microbes.
taiga, temperate deciduous forest, savanna
At the smallest level of organization, the DNA wraps itself around small globular proteins called histones. Complexes of histones and DNA form nucleosomes, which appear as "beads" on the DNA strand. Chromatin refers to the decondensed DNA that has not formed separate chromosomes.