Let's compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges: convert each given proper fraction into its decimal counterpart:
3 63/80 => 3 .788 approx.
3 1/5 => 3.2
3 11/20 => 3.55
It's now an easy matter to arrange these numbers from least to greatest:
3.2, 3.55, 3.79, or
3 1/5, 3 11/20, 3 63/80
0 cm³
Step-by-step explanation:
the lost of water =
(5×24)/12 x 1/10 × 18000
= 10/10 × 18000 = 18,000 cm³
so, the remaining water in the tub=
18,000 - 18,000 = 0 cm³
(the tub is empty)