In a capitalist society, the poor make up the working class that is exploited through their work, generating income and profits for businessmen and tycoons, who continue to get rich and have their needs and desires completed and complemented by the work that the poor perform.
With this, we can confirm that within the capitalist society, wants are often supplemented for the poor, but only the wants of the rich and powerful, the wants of the poor end up being suppressed and often left aside.
Answer: Flexible springs
The atoms in an element or compound are bonded together by bonds which keeps the atoms together.
The bonds is stiff but it proves some flexibility for the movement of the atoms so that they can react and form different types of substances.
The bonds between the atoms act like flexible spring which keeps two or more atoms together and flexible for reacting.
PROMOTER is a DNA sequence where RNA polymerase binds and begins the process of transcription. ENHANCER is a D N A sequence that binds regulatory proteins that interact with promoter-bound proteins to activate transcription.
This Is called deforestacion if to many trees are cut animals either have to adapt or find a new place if this doesnt happen the die
Bacteria that entered an organism body can cause mutations by altering the gene