Therefore, a 10x eyepiece used with a 40X objective lens, will produce a magnification of 400X. The naked eye can now view the specimen at a magnification 400 times greater and so microscopic details are revealed. More on objective lenses here. Magnification is the ability to view an object as larger.
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Biotechnology Research & Development.
Natural Selection
In natural selection process of evolution, traits that are essential for an individual to be fit enough to survive under environmental stress become dominant.
Since the flowers are of blue or yellow color, it is essential for a bee to be able enough to perceive the blue and yellow color. Hence, the eyes of bee with time have evolved to perceive these two color so that they can pollinate flower.
Animals use territorial behavior to adapt to new surroundings. it helps them stay stronger when they have to compete for food and it also helps with overcrowding and overpopulation