Which letter indicates systolic pressure? which letter indicates systolic pressure? a b c i request answer part b which letter i
ndicates diastolic pressure? which letter indicates diastolic pressure? a b c i request answer part c which letter indicates the arteries? which letter indicates the arteries? c d e f request answer part d which letter indicates the venules? which letter indicates the venules? f g h i request answer part e which letter indicates the vessels in which blood pressure is the lowest? which letter indicates the vessels in which blood pressure is the lowest? f g h i request answer part f which letter indicates the vessels in which blood velocity is decreasing the most due to an increase in the tot?
1) I think letter a, indicates the systolic pressure which is at the peak of changes in blood pressure. Systolic pressure refers to the amount of pressure in the arteries during contraction of the heart muscles. If the measurement reads 120 systolic and 80 diastolic, one would say "120 over 80" or write "120/80 mmHg which is the normal pressure.
2) i think letter b, represents diastolic pressure; where there is a dip in the changes in blood pressure. Diastolic blood pressure measures the pressure in blood vessels when the heart rests between beats. It therefore, refers to the blood pressure when the heart muscle is between beats.
3) I believe letter d, indicates arteries, When blood enters the arteries from the aorta, both pressure and velocity begin to fall. As blood leaves the arteries and flows through the arterioles, both pressure and velocity drop rapidly. Arteries deliver oxygen rich blood from the heart to the tissues of the body. Each artery is a muscular tube lined by smooth tissue and are made of three layers.
4) I think the letter that indicates the venules is g, Cappillaries to venules to veins to venacava and to the heart. Venules are small blood vessels in the microcirculation that allows blood to return from the capillary beds to drain into the larger blood vessels veins.
5) I believe letter i indicates vessels in which blood pressure is the lowest; Cross section increases thus causing a decrease in velocity thus reducing the blood pressure. Blood pressure is lowest in the veins as the blood is returning to the heart.
6) i believe letter f indicates the vessel in which blood travels the most slowly. Velocity of the blood is the lowest in the capillaries approximately 500 times more slowly than the Aorta. Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels. They serve to distribute oxygenated blood from arteries to the tissues of the body and to feed deoxygenated blood from the tissues back into veins.
7) I think letter h, indicates the vessels in which blood velocity is increasing the most. The velocity of blood increases the most from the capillary to the veins. Blood pressure is highest in the aorta as blood is ejected from the left ventricle. Blood pressure gradually decreases from the aorta to the large arteries to arterioles, to capillaries, then finally lowest in the veins before returning to the heart.
Why not use adult stem cells instead of using human embryonic stem cells in research? Human embryonic stem cells are thought to have much greater developmental potential than adult stem cells. ... However, a newer type of reprogrammed adult cells, called induced pluripotent stem cells, has proven to be pluripotent.
These Aquaporins, also referred to as water channels, are membrane proteins which serve as passageways for water. Aquaporins facilitate the transportation of water and other neutral molecules across cell membranes.