Multipl .365 by 100 and you get 36.5%
4367 ÷ 0.004 is 1091750. To solve this, you can use long division, by setting up the equation. Make sure to move the decimal. Then, divide the first digit, then the first two digits, and so on.
The morality of the solution is calculated as 0.859 m. We are required to determine the freezing point depression constant of pure water. The freezing point depression of the solution is given as
* (morality of solution)
are the freezing points of the pure solvent (water, 0°C) and
= freezing point depression constant of water. Therefore,
*(0.859 m)
=====> (0°C) – (3.00°C) = 
=====> -3.00°C =
Ignore the negative sign (since
is positive) and get
= (3.00°C) / (0.859 m) = 3.492°C/m
The freezing point depression constant of the solvent is 3.5°C kg/mole
3.5 (temperature differences are the same in Celsius and Kelvin scales).