Female reproductive system is comprised of ovary, fallopian tubes, uterus, and vagina. In humans, female have two ovaries that release egg at the time of ovulation. The egg is released in fallopian tube, where it gets fertilized with male sperm to form zygote. The uterus is nurturing organ for developing zygote till the delivery of fetus. The vagina acts as opening for the uterus.
Male reproductive system is comprised of testis, vas deference, urethra, and p3nis. Testis is responsible for the synthesis of sperms or male gametes. From testes, sperms are transported to vas deference via epididymis and ejaculated through urethra.
I looked it up
(a) Carbohydrates are the structures which add to the fluidity of the plasma membrane.
The principle components of plasma membrane are lipids, proteins and carbohydrates which are attached to some proteins and lipids. Membrane fluidity means how much viscous is the lipid bilayer of cell membrane? The membrane phospholipids absorbs fatty acids of different lengths and saturation. When there is amore distance between phospholipids fluidity increases.Another one is the temperature and cholesterol. So these are the three factors which affects the fluidity of the membrane. The rate of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids decides the fluidity of the membrane at cold temperatures. Cholesterol take up the tasks as buffer blocking the lower temperatures from fluidity inhibition and blocking higher temperatures from increasing of fluidity.
1) Basilar membrane
2) Stereocilia or hair cells
3) Nerve cells
4) Auditory
5) Temporal lobe
Basilar membrane: located inside of the cochlea which is located in the inner ear. This membrane separates two tubes that is filled with liquid which is also important for hearing.
Hair cells: Connected to the basilar membrane and they acts as sensory receptors which can catch movements (ripples) in the basilar membrane and pass this message to the neurons.
Nerve cells: One of the main cell types in the brain, which are responsible for signal transfer.
Auditory cortex: This part of the brain is located in temporal lobe and handles the auditory information.
It should be understood that there was a point in time when the collard lizards were going into extinction. This is due to some certain human activities such as bush burning, which caused the death of this particular creature and others.
Therefore, this activity led to the dispersal of the remaining member of the population, which resulted to being isolated on a mountain.
True. With time, effort, and the right tools, anything can be replicated.