Kinetic energy means movement. This means that the more something moves, the more kinetic energy it will have! And the faster something moves, the more heat it produces! Altogether, this means that the more Kinetic energy something has, the hotter it will be!
The opposite is also true. The less something moves, it will have less Kinetic energy and the colder it will get.
If you're having trouble understanding this, think of it like how the particles in water move compared to how the particles in ice move. The particles in water are free flowing and can move wherever they want. If they get colder, they won't move as much, and eventually they'll stop flowing around, forming a solid and staying colder than the water will get.
If the car in the opposite direction turns the signal on your vehicle, then it is only likely to give way and let him or her turn before you make your turn because he or she is in the right of way and by doing this, it will prevent any complication from happening and to be able to show respect and politeness in driving.
Answer: A
Molecules speed up as heat is added
For example when water is heated as the water gets hotter the molecules speed up causing the water to boil and change phases into a gas (this is called evaporation)
In an ice cube the water molecules are frozen (barely moving compressed tight together) as the ice cube heats up the molecules start speeding up and moving further apart as the ice cube turns into liquid form. So as heat is added molecules speed up, move faster and spread further apart
Absolute, Atmospheric, Differential, and Gauge Pressure