The Tet offensive was considered to be one of the great debacles of foreign intelligence, wherein it yielded a military success however suffered a great political defeat. In addition, the military operation was considered to be one of the largest military offensive in the course of the Vietnam War.
Effect Corporate Change
Making formal statements, holding rites and rituals, utilizing employee training and coaching, demonstrating how a leader reacts to a crises, being a role model, and giving rewards, promotions, and bonuses are some of the teaching methods that organizations can utilize to effect corporate change. Change is one of the important and most difficult process for any organization. It needs to be carried out slowly as it has been manifested in the above given statement as well. Employees need to be given training, promotions, rewards and bonuses, they must be listened, their concerns should be addressed in order to make change process easy and smooth.
Redlining stems from discrimination that consists denial of services, maybe financial based on the group one may fall under such as race, ethnicity or location. The Holden act(1977) is a real estate act of California meant to protect individuals from discriminations such as ones that involve denial of mortgage loan on the basis of something other than the credit worthiness of the individual . These discriminations could take the form of mortgage loan and, insurance loan denials or other financial services based on creditworthiness history of the group the person may fall under and not necessarily the individual's qualifications on his own
External funds needed = $40,000.
An increase in the firm's retained earnings (a component of the shareholder's equity) arises as a result of higher sales volume, thereby making the Asset = Liability + Shareholder's Equity Equation unbalanced.
Therefore, there must be an increment in the firm's assets by an equal amount in order to re balance the equation. If there is an increase in assets by a greater magnitude than retained earnings increment, the gap is filled by external financing (which is a liability and increases the liability component of the equation).
Net income = Sales * profit margin = $500000*10% = $50000
Dividend= Net income * payout ratio = $50000*20%= $10000
Increase in retained earnings = Net income - Dividend = $(50000-10000)
= $40000
Increase in assets = $80000
External funds needed = $(80000-40000) = $40,000.