The Five Nations join together in peace and New members may join if they agree to the laws in this document. Members will look out for other Nations.Confederate Lords must be respected by their people and other Lords, and all new Lords must take a vow to protect their people and obey the law.
by giving each branch of government powers to limit the other branches
The checks and balances makes it so one branch can't do anything to powerful without getting approval from the other branches
<span>According to Martin Luther's Thesis 43, it is better to give money to the poor or lend to those in need that trying to buy forgiveness. Forgiveness that is earned is preferable to forgiveness that is bought. Under the system of indulgences that existed in early sixteenth century Europe, Christians could obtain forgiveness for sin by confessing in church, but they still faced temporal punishment in the form of purgatory or by doing good deeds. Indulgences were sold to wipe their slate clean and ensure their swift entry to heaven, but the system became corrupt and abused in time.</span>
So, Jackie should make a decision about which of these careers she will eventually pursue.
But, there must a reason why she has this list and not just one career that she wants: she probably feels that all of them are somehow appealing. So, to be able to choose among them, she needs to gather more information: this is the next step.
The correct answer is : C
Missing information:
a. score low on neuroticism and high on extraversion
b. score low on neuroticism and high on extraversion
c. score high on agreeableness and high on openness
d. score high on conscientiousness and high on openness
BFAS scales or better known as Big Five Aspects Scales is used to make clear the relation of personality to cognitive ability. This evaluates and measures how much a person is opened to new experiences related to what you are used to doing, facts in which your intellect can separate different situations