yes because how would a historian most likely use this map is number 2
Answer: Please see in the explanation column
1)on a country-wide scale -----National level
2)the director of a political agenda whose goal is to place a chosen candidate in office---- campaign manager.
3)a unified and organized effort with a goal in mind---- Campaign
4) an issue that may not be agreed upon by many different sides, and causes many debates----controversial
5)to accept and agree upon --- adopt
6)on a smaller, non-widespread scale--- local level
he believed it was about preserving the Union
Answer: Polytheism is the worship of or belief in multiple deities . Which are usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along with their own religions and rituals . Many ancient civilizations believed in polytheism and worshipped numerous gods. In Christianity, polytheism does not exist because the religion acknowledges only one god . Polytheism characterizes virtually all religions other than Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which share a common tradition of monotheism, the belief in one God.