To find 4/5 of 20.5 the first step is to convert 4/5 into a decimal. You can do that by dividing 4 by 5.
4/5 is .8 so your equation would now be .8 of 20.5
"of" states that you are multiplying, so .8 times 20.5 is 16.4
4/5 of 20.5 is 16.4
y = 3x
Step-by-step explanation:
The exact equation for the climb would be y = (x-3)^2 + 9, however, a rough line that represents the climb is y = 3x.
Find the slope between (0, 0) and (3, 9) and we get m = 3. Plug it into y-int form and you get the line.
5:4 is the ratio hope l help u
He'll make 7 cuts. If you can't see that that is the answer, draw a diagram.
<span>7 * 5 = ?</span>