The answer is an obsessive-compulsive disorder. This disorder is characterized by obsessive thoughts and impulses, uncontrollable urges and compulsions which are visible through overt and mental rituals. These rituals are very difficult to suppress and usually consumes time and energy of an individual which hinders the person to function normally for his/her daily life.
Un tipo de glóbulo blanco llamado linfocito reconoce el antígeno como extraño y produce anticuerpos que son específicos para ese antígeno. ... Los glóbulos blancos también pueden producir sustancias químicas llamadas antitoxinas que destruyen las toxinas (venenos) que producen algunas bacterias cuando han invadido el cuerpo.
Negative reinforcement
In psychology and classical and operant conditioning, the term reinforcement refers to a stimulus that increases the chances that a certain behavior is repeated in the future. In other words, it refers to something that makes the behavior be more frequent.
However, there are 2 different types of reinforcement:
- Positive reinforcement: It consists in <u>presenting</u> a desired stimulus that will increase the chances that the behavior is repeated.
- Negative reinforcement: It consists in <u>retiring</u> an undesired stimulus that will increase the chances that the behavior is repeated (for example, the beeping in the car when we don't use the seatbelt is a negative reinforcement since it is retired the moment we use the seatbelt and it is more likely that next time we'll fasten the seatbelt before to not hear the sound).
Therefore, when <u>something an individual does not like is removed (an undesired stimulus)</u> and they are more likely to <u>do the behavior again (increasing the probability of the behavior to be repeated),</u> this is known as negative reinforcement.
Foreshadowing maybe i don't know
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