<span>Surplus food contributed to rise of society because the crops made farmers heve more energy and do Job specialization(building cities, etc)</span>
The correct answer is option c.
The world price of a ton of steel is $650.
During the autarky, the price of steel in Russia was $1,000.
After the trade, the price fell to $650. This means that Russia started importing steel from other countries where it was cheaper. This caused the price of steel in Russia to fall to the level of the world price.
This happens because at price $1,000 consumers will purchase from foreign producers. This will reduce the demand for domestic producers. This decrease in demand will shift the demand curve to the left such that the price falls to $650.
Answer: Displacement is the correct answer.
Explanation: Displacement is a psychological defense mechanism that allows negative feelings to be transferred from the original source of stress or frustration to a less threatening subject in order to avoid negative consequences or release unpleasant feelings.
The 3Rs by Russell and Burch are known to be the "alternative methods" to improve the treatment of laboratory animals, at the same time to advance the quality of science that uses animals for studies.
The 3Rs are Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement. Replacement is defined as minimizing the pain and suffering of the animals used in research. Reduction is for reducing the number of animals being used, and using healthier animals. Replacement is using alternative to animals such as tissue cultures and computer models.