Answer: Market segmentation
Market segmentation is when a market is being divided based on the customers needs. Customers with similar characteristics or needs are grouped together.
Market segmentation helps a business in reaching customers with similarbjeeds quicker and this leads to improvement in satisfaction and customer relationships. This is the method used by Fast fine foods.
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that it seems that Fine Lines Inc. is using a mechanistic structure. This type of structure, also known as a bureaucratic structure, is a structure based on a single formal and centralized network where authority comes from the top-level managers who make most of the decisions.
Career development.
Problem solving.
Critical thinking.
Information technology application.
Since Thomas owes $ 438 on his credit card, but only paid the minimum of $ 20, his debt is now $ 418 (438 - 20). A late fee of $ 39 will be added to this value, which will raise said sum to $ 457 (418 + 39). In turn, the interest rate for unpaid card balances is 26% per month. Therefore, next month his balance will be $ 575.82 (457 x 1.26).
The correct answer is option d.
A monopoly is a market structure where there is a single firm in the market with no close substitutes. The firm is a price maker. There is high barriers to entry in the market.
Similar to monopoly other imperfect competition such as monopolistic competition and oligopoly also have barriers to entry, and are price makers. But the firms in such markets have different demand curve than the market demand curve.
But in a monopoly there is only single firm, so the market demand curve is the same as individual firm's demand curve.