Jack. A signpost is a non-living thing and non living things do not grow. Sam is an adult and he has stopped growing already. Jack is a child and will continue growing the next few years.
The ability to change internal body temperatures to match changing external environmental temperatures
Explanation: this is basically the same thing as homeostasis as this is occurring in warm blooded mammals
Nitrogen fertilizers are commonly used by farmers to increase crop production. Ammonium is the main component of nitrogen fertilizer, as it is easily assimilated by plants and provides nitrogen to them, while nitrate gets easily lost from the soil. During nitrogen cycle, ammonium is converted into nitrate by nitrification. So, nitrification inhibitors are used with to slow down the conversion of ammonium to nitrate to provide nitrogen for longer time.
Thus, 'to increase crop production, nitrification step of nitrogen cycle is preferred by farmers to block, or slow down.'
B. the complex interactions
and feeding relationships
between organisms within
an ecosystem