because if you aren't comfortable or you are stressed you may start eating in order to make yourself feel better. Also you may end up overeating, because you might not start to feel comfortable. Emotional eating is harmful so if you emotionally eat find a way to stop.
prompted by an underlying medical disorder.
"Secondary insomnia" is due to an <em>underlying medical disorder </em>such as <em>"Alzheimer's disease." </em>This is a<u> neurological disorder</u> that prevents a person from having a good quality sleep due to an increase presence of amyloid in the brain.
Other medical conditions that may lead to secondary insomnia are the following: <em>arthritis, heartburn, asthma, hot flashes, etc.</em>
The correct answer is Chronic Strain. Based on research and
medical experts Chronic Strains are commonly caused by overusing and
prolonged/repeated movements of the body’s muscles or tendons. Repetitive
movement of the muscles and tendons may result to pain, especially if the
movement is inappropriate and improper. With regards to the given situation,
the pitcher repeats elbow movements in order for him or her to pitch the ball,
which leads to the main factor of overusing the body’s muscle that may result
to chronic pain.
Water is a gift of natue !! its too helpful to the human body !! its purify the body skin ! and Water aspiration of in the fuction of kidney its play a big role in the body and espically the kidney
Your kidney will release adrenaline (epinephrine) when your fight or flight response is activated or when your body is under stress.