Unfortunately due to patient confidentiality we are not allowed to give out any information regarding the health or well being of a patient. We are very sorry and hope you understand. We would suggest contacting a member of her family if you have any concerns.
Speech Segmentation is the way toward distinguishing the limits between phonemes, syllables, or words in communicated in normal dialects. The term applies both to the psychological procedures utilized by people, and to fake procedures of characteristic language handling.
It is a subfield of general discourse observation and a significant subproblem of the technically engaged field of speech acknowledgment, and can't be enough comprehended in segregation.
This issue covers somewhat with the issue of content division that happens in certain dialects which are customarily composed without between word spaces.
The lower the center of mass, the larger the base of support, the closer the center of mass to the base of support, and the greater the mass, the more stability increases