Answer: The correct answer to the question is option E
Explanation: 50 meter dash is a race,a form of exercise, energy is required as well as muscle contraction and chemical processes.
Alex muscles will rely on the following chemical processes during the race;anaerobic respiration and creatine phosphate breakdown.
These chemical processes are explained below;
Aerobic respiration uses oxygen to generate energy but unlike aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration breaks down glucose to provide energy and create adenosine triphosphate(ATP), lactic acid and ethanol.
Muscle contraction cannot take place without the supply of energy by ATP, molecules can store energy in it's phosphate form, this molecule is known as creatine phosphate,when this happens,ATP that is in excess will then transfer it's energy to creatine,this action will produce creatinine phosphate and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and they will now be stored as reserve of energy that can be used to produce more ATP and thus energy is produced.
As you can see in the table presented below, all of the gametophytes have seeds do not form in an enclosed structure and <span>undergo alternation of generations (marked in purple)
The gingkos were widespread in the distant past, but are now presented with only one species with fan-like leaves, the Gingko Biloba. (green)
The gnetophytes have three genera with very different looking species. One of the most iconic ones being the Welwitschia mirabilis often called the wise man's beard. (blue)
The conifers include redwoods, like sequoias and all, have pines as leaves and produce cones. (brown)</span>
Cell fractionation allows to study the different parts of a cell in isolation.When the organelles have been isolated, you can see which organelles make the most energy.
<em>The offspring which carries the allele II will be homozygous dominant.</em>
A dominant trait can be described as a trait which masks the effect of a recessive trait. A recessive trait can be described as a trait which gets masked by the dominant trait.
A homozygous dominant trait occurs when both the alleles for the gen are dominant. A heterozygous dominant trait occurs when one allele is dominant and the other is recessive for the trait.
Hence, a homozygous dominant trait will carry the alleles II.