Beowulf's body is taken to Hronesness, where his funeral pyre is burned and his funeral mound is constructed. The mound is filled with the treasure that Beowulf won from the dragon and all of the Geats gather around to lament the death of their lord.
He wanted a funeral pyre so he could fill it with his treasures ;)
This is the correct answer because it makes sense. 'My wife is pregnant.'
I'm still going to answer them all!! :D
This argument illustrates the slippery slope fallacy as Leo Panchello was used to create a happy picture of how much hard work local business owners put in and then goes on to tell how the light rail would destroy the local business and ruin all of their hard work which brings a sad ending.
<h3>What is a fallacy?</h3>
This is known as a mistaken belief, a faulty or failed reasoning especially one based on unsound argument.
Hence, the fallacy makes the argument weak because there's no indication that a light rail would destroy a main local business in the town as when constructing a light rail, they do not tear up the street, instead, they make the light rail a part of the street
A slippery slope fallacy is a course of action that is rejected because there is little or no evidence that one insists to lead to a chain reaction resulting in an undesirable end.
Read more about<em> fallacy </em>here: