No, I have asthma myself, it is definitely NOT contagious. The difference between a person's lungs with asthma is that when they are out if breath from physical activity, their lungs aren't able to inhale as strongly as a person without asthma's lungs. 1 fact is that asthma causes people to have more mucus in their lungs, which renders it hard to breathe. 2: You can either have asthma for a year or two or your entire life. 3: severe cases of asthma make the airway in your lungs narrow very tightly and will make you need a longer lasting inhaler. 4: the amount of asthma cases grows each year, this year there are 26 million people with asthma, and 18.9 million are adults and 7.1 million are children. 5: Asthma results in 439,00 hospitalizations and 1.8 million emergency room visits annually.
(what I'm trying to say is that asthma sucks)
Auditory processing disorder (APD), also known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), is a condition that impacts the brain’s ability to filter and interpret sounds. People with APD can hear, but have a hard time receiving, organizing, and processing auditory information. APD often emerges in childhood.
While APD isn’t too well known, it is estimated that 7 percent of children have some type of auditory processing difficulty. Do everyday instructions, requests, and questions seem to bounce off your child? Like he or she is living in a bubble that is impenetrable by oral directions? If your child responds most of the time with a blank stare or “Wait, what?” then you know what we’re talking about.
Or perhaps you’ve noticed this yourself — that the world feels “garbled,” like you’re listening to a cell phone call with the signal cutting in and out?
I believe active euthanasia is illegal in virtually all countries.
We will need more information to help you
They have lots of vitamins and minerals