A: Veterinary technician
Veterinary technician the person who helps in assisting the veterinarian in diagnosing and treating any animals in the hospital. The responsibility of veterinary technician is to perform medical tests on animals like taking blood, urine or stool samples, taking X- rays, giving medication to the animals, perform dental procedures, giving anesthesia to animals during a medical exam, etc.
A veterinary technician requires special training and a license which is not given to Veterinary assistants. So the correct answer is A.
Just talking to another person that
you trust
will help become aware of your feelings. (This might be
your parent, a brother or sister, best friend, or your religious leader
.) This is the, first step to understanding if there is a emotional, or social, or even a mental problem. A good way to resolve this problem is throw
self expression such as art, or writing short story's or pottery.
just talking to another person can make make a world of differents.