Double Helix
It is called the double helix for the signature shape that a DNA strand takes.
Because it can respire anaerobically, without oxygen.
Hope this helps!
Modern invasive species are characterized by broad environmental tolerances, which contribute to their ability to survive during both the transport and establishment phases of invasion. Studies of modern and invasive species have demonstrated that invader species regularly displace native species through higher resource efficiency or competitive ability. A striking feature of the biogeographic pattern is the differential survival of species with large geographic ranges. Species with larger geographic ranges tend, on average, to have broader ecological tolerances than those with small ranges.
B. Shortens
Myofibrils are components of the animal skeletal muscles that are made up of sacromeres. They perform the muscular contraction and relaxation via the sliding filament model.
To produce motion, A cross-bridge forms between actin and the myosin heads triggering shortening of the sacromere. This shortening of the sacromere results in the contraction of the muscle fibers, which the net effect can be seen to be a shortening of the fibers